For ranchers living in and around Vanderhoof and Fort St. James. President Decody Corbiere leads the meetings. This group has 63 members and 10,286 head of cattle. The group meets the first Thursday of the month, September to June at the College of New Caledonia. Email the Local's Secretary Aubree Corbier at
Ken Fawcett – BC Cowboy Hall of Fame Ranching Pioneer
On January 8, 2018, Vanderhoof Online wrote a great article about Sinkut Mountain's own Ken Fawcett. Click here to read the story.
New Executive for 2018
April 6th meeting, business arising from minutes. Discussion on how the AGM went. Shirley Moon, Wayne Ray & Alex President- Ken Fawcett
Vice President- Olin Albertson
Treasurer- Emily Albertson
Secretary- Aubree Corbiere
Sinkut Mountain Cattleman Meeting Summary for April, 2017
April 6th meeting, business arising from minutes. Discussion on how the AGM went. Shirley Moon, Wayne Ray & Alex Kulchar still going back and forth on article to BCCA. The Northern Alliance & Best Bet Bull sales were a success. Brett Young Seeds were willing to extend seed sale a couple weeks due to the late spring. Butch was away but gave in member count and head of cattle. There are 69 members and 10603 head of cattle. Shavings, done for the season. Liz reported the 2018 AGM will be on Feb. 24th/2018. Liz wrote a summary of our AGM in Beef in BC. Update on the last Regional meeting, there looking at getting signs on the highway to make people aware their driving into Agriculture country and talked about livestock transportation. New Business, Tom Greenaway spoke on foreign ownership applying for crown land grant for agricultural extensive purposes situated on Provincial Crown Land. Liz made a motion that the SMC write a letter to Ryan Hall with comments regarding crown land referral number 7408719, Top Hay Leo Farms. Shirley seconded motion. Motion carried. Ross Davidson talked about Taurus Mineral. Our Guest speaker was Andrew Beauzer from CFIA. Talked about the Tuberculosis case in Alberta. Over 50 farms affected, 10,000 animals slaughtered & 6 cows tested positive for TB. Legislation is changing their policy on Humane transport. What's acceptable to go on a truck (lameness), Mandatory training for livestock haulers, more stringent documentation when hauling livestock. There will also be changes to the livestock tracebility, should happen late winter this year. Ken Fawcett adjourned meeting at 9:08PM.
Sinkut Mountain Cattleman Meeting Summary for March, 2017
Recap on the Unit cost of Production workshop in Feb, 14 people showed up. As of March 1st SMC has 63 members and 10286 head of cattle. Olin Albertson gave the predator report for Cam Hill. Cam killed 5 wolves on his place other then that things have been quiet. We were preparing for our Regional AGM March 4th. Co-op has agreed to pay for creation of website and the Horn Levy fund is sending $300.00 for updates for the webpage. BCCA is requesting a $200.00 donation from each association to support local rural youth in agriculture. Mike Wheeler made a motion we support this. Motion was carried. Shirley Moon, Wayne Ray & Alex Kulchar are working on writing an article for Beef in BC magazine. Over 700 head sold at Feb. 24th sale. Market was up across the board. There was lots on the Calendar of Events. NVRCA AGM March 4th, Northern Alliance Bull Sale March 25th, Best Bet Bull Sale April 1st, All Breeds Bull Sale April 8th, Williams Lake Bull Show & Sale April 13th & 14th. There were questions regarding the buyers at the auction barn and how buyers bid themselves up at a sale. John Mussel (Deep Creek Ranch) passed away. Pat Gauthier had an art show at the library. Guest speaker was Todd Couch from Brett Young Seeds. He spoke on different options for alfalfa and grass seeds. Allan adjourned meeting at 8:08pm.
Sinkut Mountain Cattleman Meeting Summary for February, 2017
News from our Shavings Committee, Mike Kulchar met with Pac-Bio and everything is going well. We are a year and a half into our contract. BCCA is looking at holding the 2018 AGM in Smithers if they can have enough committee support. There was several events in February. Trends & Trades with Ann Waskow Feb. 9th, Heartland Seminar Feb. 6th, BCL Sale Feb.24th. Coming up in March we have the Nechako Valley Regional Cattleman Association AGM March 4th/2017. In New Business Mark Parker is having a meeting with government officials in Ottawa to discuss Foreign ownership of land (VIA video feed). Walt Detwiller got a call from Conifex. There will be hogfuel available to farmers after it is tested. Alex Kulchar was our guest speaker and spoke on the topics of Price Insurance, Bulk ordering and a alfalfa trial at Merle Olin’s with 12 varieties. Next Meeting is Thursday March 2nd, 7:00PM @ the College.